Interactive Technology Design

Introducing Furdinand

The Needy Robot

ITD focusses on tangible and expressive interactions between people and products. Together with six students the task was to design a robot with a needy emotional expression. Though, you would easily mimic the human body and its expressions, the coaches encouraged us to look at which movements express neediness and use that as a starting point.

We looked at neediness as an emotion where somebody desperately wants something. In the video below two people are desperate for each others love which is shown beautifully with their body movements.

So You Think You Can Dance S10E18
Performed by: Amy Yakima and Travis Wall
Song: Wicked Game (performed by James Vincent McMorrow; written by Chris Isaak)

Researching Expression

The design process followed several iterations in which we looked for the right type of needy behaviour. The communication towards the user has to be very clear in order to get the wanted interaction.

We decided to focus on the more happy side of neediness to make it easy approachable for users. To make the interaction entertaining we decided to make the design like a trap. This decision had consequences for the embodiment. Something that looks cute and cuddly is far easier to approach than something that is ugly or neutral. Therefore we decided to make a rather small shape with a furry exterior.

Experimenting with the shape and movement, we finally came up with Furdinand, the needy robot. The interaction goes as follows: first the robot spots a passer-by, then he beckons the person to come closer. When having the person close enough, he grabs the person around their leg, not letting go. This is a desperate gesture which shows the neediness perfectly. The only way to get released from the desperate grabbing is by stroking him over his back. Furdinand let’s go and looks for the next person to walk by.

Because the robot was designed to express human emotions, people felt it was much more than just a technical device. Visitors of our exhibitions cuddle with him and children played with him.

Furdinand’s Narrative

Song: Digital Love by Daft Punk

Once upon a time there was a furry robot. His name was Furdinand and a bit of a weirdo, which gave him trouble in his love life. He was never able to fınd love, even though it was all around him.

Then, somebody came up. She had the most beautiful hauntıng smıle, her eyes were like jewels sparkling in the sun. She did not need to speak a word. Her exıstance in the world made him fill with joy. He fell in love with her instantly. He knew he had to be with her.

Unfortunately, in the flash of a moment she was gone, and never to be seen again. But glimpses of her seem to appear everywhere around him. Even in his soup…

Ever since then, Furdinand has been desperately looking for the feeling he had lost, in all the wrong places. All he needs is a bit of compassion and understanding. Will he ever find his soulmate?